Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Make a Comeback in a Stalled Job Search

Source http://lifehacker.com/5043382/make-a-comeback-in-a-stalled-job-search

Most business people are completely out of tune with this new phenomena of social media and really…how many business executives have time to regularly post on blogs or create a Facebook profile? Although its obvious to see how a blog in conjunction with a good resume is a must for tech professional on the job search, I also think that a blog is a good addition to a business executive’s job search. A blog is a great snapshot of a business executive’s projects, business ventures, and other accomplishments and interests. But who has time to create a mind blowing resume, much less a mind blowing blog? I found a professional blogger who created a blog for me relatively inexpensively and so far it has been an excellent accompaniment to my resume. But…I don’t know if it would actually help, “make a comeback in a stalled job search,” as the post on lifehacker.com indicates. If you are serious about a blog, use a professional blogger (person who blogs !) that has experience creating blogs. Particularly if you are considering a blog or forum for your business, there is a ton of research and traffic driving stuff that goes into it so leave it to pro bloggers.

Posted by Corey


  1. Could you refer me this person who did your blog? i've been considering adding this to my business.

  2. Yes. www.jaydutton.com
    email: jaydutton at gmail dot com



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