Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Couple Useful Resources for Investors or Businesspeople

Remember the Milk: Task Management tool that lets you keep all your tasks organized in one place, but separated by as many categories as you need. TOTALLY BEATS OUT OUTLOOK - hands down!

Chandler 1.0: is a Serious, but Rough, To-Do Manager:an open-source, cross-platform scheduling app, was conceived back in 2002 as a potential Outlook-killer—a free organizer that would process all your email, calendar appointments and tasks into one smooth workflow, no matter what format or system they were on. Over its long and storied development, intriguingly chronicled in the book Dreaming in Code, Chandler morphed into a meekly-dubbed "Note-to-Self Organizer." There's a lot of neat ideas in Chandler, implemented in rough ways, and if you're a serious to-do hound, it just might find a place somewhere in your work flow. Check out some screenshots of this long-awaited Personal Information Manager and decide for yourself.  Click to check out the full article on If you've ever been out on the road and remembered something you needed to do later, jott's perfect for you! It's free and you simply dial into your number, leave yourself a message and then get the email reminder when you get back to your computer.

Diarised Helps You Select The Best Meeting Time:  If you need to schedule a meeting and want to skip the hassle of emailing and playing phone tag to establish what time works best for everyone invited, a web-based schedule optimizer like Diarised will save you a headache or two. Visit Diarised and plug in information about the meeting, a description, the email addresses of the meeting attendees, and a list of potential meeting times. Diarised notifies attendees via email and they select the best meeting time. Diarised sends you an email summary of the optimal times. excerpted from

Posted by Bruce Ferre of Project Liberty

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